New patient consultation
Regular patient check-up
Small X-ray (each)
OPT X-ray (Full jaw scan)
Emergency appointment
Child check-ups under 18
Simple clean (Scale & Polish)
Airflow stain removal
Tooth-coloured fillings
From £179.00
Dental bridge
From £1200.00
Root canal treatment
From £399.00
Acrylic denture (Plastic base)
Valplast denture (Flexible base)
Chrome denture (Metal base)
Phillips Zoom home whitening
Phillips Zoom in surgery whitening
Zoom combined in surgery + home whitening
Enlighten premium whitening
Composite bonding (Contouring/ Veneer) per tooth
From £199.00
Orthodontic assessment
Invisalign® single arch
Invisalign® both arches
QST® fixed wired single arch
QST® fixed wired both arches
One removable retainer per arch
Fixed retainer per arch
Fixed retainer of both arches
Vivera® removable retainers (3 sets of upper and lower)
Implant assessment and report
Dental implant and crown (per missing tooth)
All-on-4 dental implants per arch
Implant retained dentures per arch
Implant retained bridge
Anti-wrinkle application 1 area
Anti-wrinkle application 2 areas
Anti-wrinkle application 3 areas
Facial dermal filler (per syringe)